Baru kli ini aq nge-post non-synopsis
iye, lg pengen be different aja^^
ini dia para character yg paling kusuka!
Ada 5 macam penilaian:
-Funny (Kocak)
-Kawaii (Imut)
-Cool (Keren)
-Aishiteru baby
Khusus untuk mori ai, penilaiannya She's me (dia adalah aku)
krn dia mirip kyk inta XD
Name: Hotaru Imai (Cool)
Age: 10 (at debut)
Date of birth: October 25
Horoscope Scorpio
Height: 139cm
Weight: 30kg
Blood type: AB
Alice: Invention
Alice Stone Color: Purple
Type of Alice: Technical Ability
Star Ranking: Triple Star
Hotaru Imai is extremely intelligent and rational. During the story, though she may appear to be rather cold and indifferent on the surface, it is apparent that she genuinely cares for Mikan.She is Mikan's best friend. She and Mikan have what may seem to be a doubtful and strange relationship.
Name: Misaki Haradara (Suteki
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Alice: Doppelganger
Misaki is a friend of Tsubasa and likes to pick on him a lot. She also belongs to the Special Ability class and is one of the most normal looking people there. She has a Doppelganger Alice that allows her to multiply herself into two or more. She is very up-beat.She danced the Last Dance with Tsubasa during the festival, which, according to the Alice tradition, is a 'dance of love', and any couple that dances during this will be together forever. She and Tsubasa have even been described as a 'married couple' in the anime.She is also a member of Watching Over Ruka group. And it somehow appears that Kitsuneme and Yome have innocent crushes on her. As a senpai, she takes good care of Mikan, especially in Tsubasa's absence. She is more like a big sister. She is shown to have good fighting abilities as she can easily beat up guys in a fight.
Kosuke Ueki (Aishiteru Baby
(植木 耕助, Ueki Kousuke) Voiced by: Romi Paku (Japanese), Cole Howard (English)
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Birth date: 4th July
Blood type: A
Ability: Change trash into trees
The main leading figure in this story, Kosuke Ueki was the class pupil 1-C in the Hinokuni JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, sky humankind. Kosuke was given by the strength to change the waste into the tree by Kobayashi, the Ueki class teacher. Ueki in fact was the good person who always tried to help the other person. He was the simple person who liked to use his capacity to the normal person, but that because he could not only see people who were annoying opposing the feeling of his justice. The condition for this strength Limitation was only wastes that could held. and his strength achieved the level 2 during the pass opposed the Balo team that is changing the strength of the enemy to originally in other words could turn all of his enemy's attacks.
Ai Mori (She's me)
(森 あい, Mori Ai?) Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Japanese), Lori Barnes-Smith (English)
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Birth date: 8th August
Blood type: A
Ability: Change her opponent into a glasses-lover (any glasses)
Ai Mori was the Ueki classmate in the Hinokuni JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. She knew the Ueki capacity in the part initially, and she thought Ueki was a person alien. After studying the tournament that Ueki followed, she decided to protect the Ueki talent. Mori also could the explanation that every time Ueki attacked the person who did not have the right to take part in the struggle will be reduced by one talent. Therefore, she determined to guard so that Ueki talents are not destroyed. In Dogura Mansion, Mori received the strength changed the opponent into the lover of the spectacles from Inumaru to help Sano and Ueki that in confusion. The condition for her limitation was the flirtatious pose.(That's why my name is iMori ^_^)
Name Kazuma Azuma (Aishiteru Baby
Race Human
Gender Male
Age 16 years old
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Status Baker
Voice Yumiko Kobayashi
Azuma Kazuma is a sixteen year-old boy that is aiming to make a Japanese bread to be one of the trademarks of Japan. He has a solar hands that allows the yeast to ferment faster. He also has friends he met when he entered the Fantasia main branch to be able to make a Japanese bread.
One such friend is Kyousuke Kawachi, who is a boy that is aiming to be one of the bakers of the Fantasia main branch. Then there's Tsukino Azusagawa, who is the granddaughter of the owner of the main branch.
Mizuno Azusagawa (Kawaii)
Also known as: "the kid"
Age: early teens
Ethnicity: Japanese
Family: father, mother, Yukino, Tsukino
Distinguishing feature: Ability to act like a baby koala
Mizuno is the youngest of the Azusagawa sisters, and makes her first appearance in the Pantasia newcomer's battle. Though young, she is also a manager's proxy like Tsukino, and specializes in making melon-bread. She doesn't hate Tsukino quite as much as Yukino hates Tsukino, but still strongly dislikes her. When she loses the newcomer's battle, Azuma makes her refer to Tsukino in a kinder fashion, rather than making fun of Tsukino by calling her "Tsukino-neechan". She seems fickle and almost lets Koala walk out after firing him, but has some heart and realizes that he's a good employee and runs after him.
Nokoru Imonoyama (Cool)
Age 12, grade 6 and kaichou (class president) of the Elementary Student Council, Nokoru is the youngest son of one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Japan. Brilliant, beautiful, and devoted to protecting the happiness of women everywhere, Nokoru has what seems like a sixth sense when it comes to ladies in distress. Without an athletic bone in his body, he gains supreme coordination when a lady is in jeopardy. Wanted by NASA for his precocious brains, this pint-sized prodigy has been running the Electrical Engineering department of the Imonoyama Group since he was 9. Kind and courteous, but he's not without his flaws. Nokoru hates to do paperwork and constantly concocts elaborate schemes in order to get out of doing it. Nokoru is rarely seen without his trademark fan...and it's probably not just coincidence that the Rijichou of the Campus also carries one. In his spare time, Nokoru is secretly the Choukan (Boss) of the Duklyon Campus Police, and rarely is there something happening on the Campus that he doesn't already know about.
Momoko Koigakubo (Cool)
Momoko is a 6th grader and Satsuki's best friend. She seems to fear nothing, even in very dangerous situations, and is very brave when it comes to helping Satsuki and the gang confront the ghosts. She also seems to have a psychic connection with Satsuki's mother. Voiced by: Kumi Sakuma (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)
Hajime Aoyama (Funny)
Hajime is Satsuki's neighbor. He is always strong and courageous to help defeat the ghosts, but though he says that this is very brave, he is actually a coward. Despite this, he is one of the most reliable of Satsuki's friends and has saved her on more than one occasion. Hajime also has a naughty habit of flipping girls' skirts, and his constant victim is no other than Satsuki. This results in frequent comic moments. Throughout the anime, it seems that Hajime and Satsuki develop mutual crushes on each other (not that they'd admit it). Voiced by: Takako Honda (Japanese), Chris Patton (English)
南 樹
Minami Itsuki (Cool)
Itsuki Minami
Alternate names : Ikki (Nickname)
Babyface (Nickname)
Crow (Nickname)
Seiyū (Japanese): Kenta Kamakari
Voice actor(s) (English): Chris Patton
Debut (Manga):
Trick 1
Debut (Anime):
Trick 1
Appears in :
Anime and manga
Age :
167 cm
52 kg
Ikki is in his second year of Junior high and is leader of the East Side Gunz at the start of the anime.
He grows an interest in Air Treks after being beaten up by by the leader of the Skull Saders' team who was using Air Treks. This led him to watch AT videos belonging to his sisters and he used to watch a girl called Simca practice.
One night he sneaked into a room in house, covered in "keep out" stickers. Here he discovered much AT material and realised that his sisters have been using ATs without him knowing. He took a pair of ATs for a spin. He ends up in a challenge with the Skull Saders, where he must race them to knock a sign over a shop in the area. Ikki won the race, with the help of Sleeping Forest, but is made work for shop owner to pay for the damage to the sign.
After Kazu and Onigiri are hospitalized by Buccha, while defending the East Side Gunz, Ikki challanges Buccha to an Parts War. With the help of other members of the East Side Gunz, Ikki defeats him, and causes Buccha's team, the Night Kings to be disbanded.
Ikki later starts his own AT team with his friends, Kazu and Onigiri and they also recruited Buccha. After starting the team, Kogarasumaru, the East Side Gunz becomes disbanded.
美鞍 数馬
Mikura Kazuma (Aishiteru Baby
Kazuma Mikura
Alternate names:
Seiyū (Japanese):
Voice actor(s) (English):
Clint Bickham
Debut (Manga):
Trick 1
Debut (Anime):
Trick 1
Appears in :
Anime and manga
Previous team(s):
East Side Gunz
Kazu was formerly a member of the East Side Gunz. In order to defend the school for the Gunz from the Night Kings, Kazu and Onigiri end up ina fight with Buccha, resulting in them being hospitalized. He manages to write Ikki a note using his mouth after Buccha broke his fingers, apologizing for not being able to defend the school. Ikki took on Buccha in a Parts War after reading the note.
Ikki encourages Kazu and Buccha to start an AT team with him, beore Kazu begins using ATs.
The older members of the East Side Gunz offer Kazu, the position of leader after Ikki takes up ATs, at the price of bringing them Ikki's head. Kazu refuses and ends up in a fight with them, where he manages to beat them all up.
After taking up ATs, Kazu becomes one of the founding members of Kogarasumaru. He trains hardest out of all the team members. In their first battle, Kazu becomes insecure as the fate of their team rests in his performance. If he lost the team would be disbanded. Kazu asks Agito to ride instead of him, knowing Agito can win no problem, while nobody knows if Kazu can, saying the school, ATs and the team are too important for him to take that risk. Agito accepts saying that what Kazu said meant that he didn't care being regarded as more than a "bench warmer", who planned bailing everytime they went to battle. Insecure about what Agito said, Kazu is about to let Agito take his place, thinking he must put the team first. But Ikki, disaproves and makes Kazu ride. Kazu manages to win easily and gain confidence.
野山野 蜜柑
Noyamano Mikan (Suteki
Mikan Noyamano
Seiyū (Japanese): Seika Hosokawa
Voice actor(s) (English): Shelley Calene-Black
Debut (Manga):
Trick 1
Debut (Anime):
Trick 1
Appears in:
Anime and manga
164 cm
Sleeping Forest
Mikan Noyamano is the second eldest of the Noyamano sisters and a member of Sleeping Forest. Throughtout the series she is often seen enforcing discipline or punishing Ikki, through violence.
Mikan is fan of retrogaming. Simca joins her in her hobby for a period of time and spends time gaming with her. Simca leaves after Mikan realizes she had been spending time at her house to get close to Ikki. Before Simca leaves, Mikan asks her if they are considered enemies. Simca replies not for now, but it's up to Ikki to decide.
Noyamano Shiraume (Kawaii)
Shiraume Noyamano (野山野 白梅, Noyamano Shiraume?), known as Ume to her family, the youngest of the sisters. Her hobby is the creation of puppets in the guise of gorgons (which creeps out Ringo and Ikki to no end), and she's always seen carrying one with her. Other than that she's also quite handy with machines despite her age. She's the one who introduces Kogarasumaru to Kei Machida, the pro emblem designer who designs their team logo. She is supposedly the weakest member of Sleeping Forest in terms of AT fighting skills. She is also sometimes sarcastic. Her latest appearance involves her revealing herself as a Gravity Child. She is able to successfully attack Ikki, something she could never achieve in normal gravity, due to both his underestimating her and his inability to adjust to the gravity-less area they were in.
Himeka Kujyou (九条 姫香, Kujō Himeka?) Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya (Kawaii)
Age: 12-13
Himeka is Karin's friend and Kazune's "cousin". She is one half of a goddess; the other half is Kirio's younger sister who is also named Himeka. When one Himeka becomes stronger, the other becomes weaker. Since she was a young girl, she has always defended Kazune, who was a bit of a crybaby when they were little. She speaks slowly, loves bugs, and is a good cook. Like Karin, she does poorly in school. It is later revealed that she is Kazuto and Suzuka's daughter. She tells Karin at one point that while she has a strong affection for Kazune, it is not necessarily a romantic attachment, as Kazune is "kind of like a brother and kind of like a dad" to Himeka (referencing Kazune's identity as a clone of Himeka's father). She also witnessed Kazune and Karin kissing in the anime.
Kazuki Hihara (火原 和樹, Hihara Kazuki) (Aishiteru Baby
Voiced by: Masakazu Morita
Trumpet by: Kazuki Abe
Hihara is an energetic third year at Seisou who plays the trumpet. He is tall and in shape (he runs every morning), and has green hair and eyes. He's aggressively friendly and outgoing and has little sense of social boundary. Hihara has an enormous appetite, as he is constantly eating (especially baked goods). He quickly befriends Kahoko. In the middle of the series, he starts to call Kahoko "Kaho-chan", instead of the usual "Hino-chan", this suggesting he has a rather obvious crush on the girl. He also admits he has a crush to Azuma, saying "don't make fun of me" when asked. Basketball is one of his favorite sports.
Keiichi Shimizu (志水 桂一, Shimizu Keiichi) (Kawaii)
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
Cello by: Tomoki Tai
A blond 'bishounen' and also is the youngest male competitor, he plays the cello. He is very drowsy all the time and often seems confused. Shimizu can be found sleeping anywhere, anytime, so Kahoko first meets him lying on the ground fast asleep. His life seems to revolve around music (he tells Hino that he sleeps, wakes up, plays the cello, then repeats the process, other than eating and visiting the library), and he loves to play his instrument. He enjoys reading and studying music history and structures of instruments. In time, he becomes interested in Hino because of her carefree music.
Shouko Fuyuumi (冬海 笙子, Fuyuumi Shōko) (Suteki
Voiced by: Akemi Satou
Clarinet by Tomoko Nishizaki
The other female competitor from the school, she plays the clarinetand is also shown to play a little piano from episode 26. Fuyuumi is a first year at Seisou, a small, slim girl with cyan hair and eyes. She is very hesitant and easily intimidated, and very shy. During the training camp, her vacation house was used, indicating she comes from a wealthy family. She looks up to Kahoko as a role model and wants to be like her.
o Kahoko Hino (日野 香穂子, Hino Kahoko) (Suteki
Voiced by: Reiko Takagi
Violin by: Yuuki Nakajima
The protagonist. Kahoko has a slim figure, with scarlet hair and brown eyes. She is very friendly and is very honest. She is a second year at Seisou Academy and is in the General Education department. Hino never played or touched a violin in her life until she meets the strange fairy, Lili. Though at first reluctant about playing the violin, she soon becomes more in depth with her music. She is a polite and considerate girl who puts other's feelings before her own, though at times she can appear rather naive, especially in music. The boys involved in the concours have obvious crushes on her, though she cannot figure that out. She lives in an apartment with her mother and older sister.
Name: Minto Aizawa (Kawaii)
Age: 12
Alias: Mew Minto
DNA: Ultramarine Lorikeet
Weapon: Minto Arrow
Attack: Ribbon Minto Echo
Metamorphosis: Mew Mew Minto, Metamorphosis
Name Karin Aoi (Cool)
Voice Talent Tominaga Miina
Karin Aoi is from the future where there is severe overpopulation. She is sent back in time via an interesting time travel machine that becomes her headquarters throughout the series, keeping her in touch with hersuperior in the future. With her she brings a bullet programmed to change the DNA of one person, Junta Momonari, who is one of the main causes of the overpopulation in the future. He is a Mega-playboy. A man women find irresistible. All Karin wants is to finish her assignment and return home and settle down in a "sweet home" This becomes a very doubtful hope as she brings the WRONG bullet, one programmed to turn Junta into the Mega-Playboy!
Tomoyo Daidouji (Kawaii)
Age 10
Gender Female
Date of birth September 3
Occupation Student (CCS)
Corporate President (Tsubasa)
Princess of Japan (Tsubasa)
Title President (Tsubasa) Princess (Tsubasa)
Known relatives Sonomi Daidōji (Mother)
Nadeshiko Kinomoto (1st Cousin once removed, deceased)
Sakura Kinomoto (Second Cousin)
Toya Kinomoto (Second Cousin)
Residence Tomoeda, Japan (CCS)
Japan and Piffle World (Tsubasa )
Name: Tsukamoto Tenma 塚本天満 (Funny)
Date Of Birth: 30th November
Blood Type: B
Likes: Karasuma Ouji
Dislikes: Perverts
Abilities: Message Archery, High-speed cycling, Tying weird hairstyles
Nagato Yuki (Cool)
Yuki Nagato, the resident alien observing Haruhi Suzumiya, has some pretty strange ideas about comfortable living. Her apartment is almost completely empty save for a table and an endless supply of tea. There aren’t even any books in her apartment. Strange. Anyway, I shouldn’t have expected anything different when she decided to take me her summer home. Other than a white picket fence, there wasn’t anything there but a trio of baby chicks. For an alien taking orders from a supreme data entity, she’s a few columns short of a spreadsheet.
Name: Hanon Houshou (Suteki
Age: 13-14 years old
Are: Mermaid Princess of the South Atlanic Ocean
Height: 152 cm
Birthday: May 24th
Constellation: Gemini
Blood Type: B
Hobby: Shopping
Special Talent: Makeup
Favorite Subject: Japanese
Least Favorite Subject: Gym
Favorite Color: Aqua
Favorite Flower: Sakura [cherry blossom]
Favorite Food: Cheesecake
Least Favorite Food: Natto [fermented soybeans]
Favorite Type of Boy: A grown-up person
Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Funny)
Type: Boy-Lolita
Grade: Third Year, Class A
Birthday: February 29 (Pisces)
Height: 4’ 9"
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Food:Cake, strawberries, other types of sweets, sometimes spicy
Bio: Honey is a senior, but the blonde cutie looks very much like a young child. The girls at Ouran Academy go crazy for his innocent cuteness and his obsession with sweets and stuffed animals.
Fujioka Haruhi (Suteki
Type: Natural
Grade: First Year, Class A
Birthday:February 4 (Aquarius)
Height: 5’ 0"
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Sushi, ramen, strawberries
Bio:When scholarship student Haruhi breaks an expensive vase that belongs to the popular Host Club, she is forced to join their ranks to pay for the damages. Of course, there’s only one little problem with the plan…
Untuk Sementara Itu dulu
aq jg suka galaxy angel kok
apalagi mint (Kawaii) n vanilla (Suteki
tp g ada biografinya